Drinking water is one of the very beneficial needs of a body. It is more like a medicine for the body which prevents almost every health problem may be chronic health problems or acute one. The benefits of water are infinite but in this article we tell some of the amazing facts of drinking water.

  •        It is amazing to know that our body is made up of about 70% of the water and also the 70% of the weight is only due to water. By this fact it does not mean that you will gain weight after you will drink a lot of water but in real sense drinking more water will help you reduce weight.

  •      Approximately 80% of the brain and the cells in the tissues of the brain are made up of water. That’s why it is always said that while studying you should keep a bottle of water and keep on drinking it whenever you feel like. It’s also the reason why drinking water keep the concentration well and also makes the memory of the brain sharper.

  •     The average amount of water that is needed per day by a man is approximately estimated to be 3 litres that is equal to 13 cups. A woman on the other hand needs approximately 2.2 litres of water that is equal to 9 cups.

  •     It is always said that always avoid being thirsty rather drink water after some short period of time. This is said because at the time when you feel thirsty, your body has nearly lost 1% of the water from the body.

  •      An average person can survive for nearly a month without food but without water a person will begin to die after a week. This shows how essential water is for a living body.

  •      Arthritis is mainly caused by the reduction of lubrication in the joints. The lubrication is mainly made up of water so if you stay hydrated all the time there are less chances that you will have arthritis in future.

  •     Since water helps flush toxins from the body at the same time water maintains the mineral level of the body too. In the long run Water helps prevent various life taking diseases such as cancer and heart attack. Water keeps on flushing all the toxins from the body hence there are less chances of our body getting prone to any kind of disease.

We're all told to drink more water to stay hydrated and healthy, but what type of water should we be drinking?

 Tap Water

                    The quality of your tap water will depend heavily on where you live. You should be an educated consumer and determine what type of tap water is being delivered to your place of residency to decide if you should be drinking it or not. The tap water in your home could be equivalent to consuming bottled water, or it could be unhealthy and filled with contaminants.


                 Some minerals that may be found in tap water are chloride, sulphate, copper, iron, manganese, and zinc. It is important to remember that not all "contaminants" in tap water are harmful. Potassium, magnesium, and calcium, for example, are all beneficial nutrients that may be in your unfiltered tap water.

 Purified Water

                If you live somewhere where the tap water is unfit to drink, you'll likely be relying on purified water. Purified water is water that's been mechanically filtered or processed to remove chemicals and impurities. 
                The purification process removes contaminants including bacteria, chemicals, and toxins from tap water or ground water. Different water purification treatments are designed to remove different impurities from the water. 


 Distilled water
             Distilled water is a type of purified water. Distillation is a process where water is boiled and steam-condensed, which leaves solid contaminants behind. You are left with essentially pure water. It will lack naturally-occurring minerals. 
                Drinking distilled water is usually not preferred. It may put individuals at greater risk for nutrient deficiencies since it lacks any minerals that may be beneficial to health.

Also, Checkout the Benefits of Drinking Water here Benefits of Drinking Water . Thank you !!!


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