Some of the Interesting facts about GOOGLE !!

Early Google and Google now
    • One of the early versions of Google could process 30-50 pages per second. Now Google can process millions of pages per second.
    • Google was first stored on ten 4GB hard drives in a Lego casing, now showcased by Stanford University. The Lego design would let the founders expand storage capacity easily. The index now has over 100 million GB of data.
    • Google’s original name was Backrub, based on the system finding and ranking pages based on backlinks.
    • Since the founders weren’t looking to start their own business, they tried to sell their search engine system. Yahoo originally said no, but in 2002 offered to buy Google for $3 billion. Google said no, and it’s now valued at $400 billion.
    • The name Google was a misspelling. One story says investors misspelled the mathematical term “googol” as “google” on a check, and the spelling stuck. Another story says that a fellow student misspelled “googol” when looking for an available name for the company.
    • The company’s unofficial motto is, “Don’t be evil.”
    • Stanford still owns the patent to Google’s algorithm, named PageRank.

    Google Homepage

      • In 1998, the Google homepage included a Yahoo-like punctuation mark: the exclamation point!
      • The first Google Doodle was an out-of-office message in 1998 when Brin and Page were traveling to Nevada to attend the Burning Man festival. The doodle was a man standing behind the second O. The wanted users to know they wouldn’t be available to fix tech issues.
      • The homepage is notoriously sparse because the founders didn’t know HTML to make it fancy, and they wanted a simple user interface. At first, you had to press the return key on the keyboard, as they didn’t know how to design a submit button.
      • Until March 2001, the Google homepage was aligned on the right side of the page instead of centered.
      • The first April Fool’s joke was in 2000 when Google announced its mind-reading ability for searches called “MentalPlex.”
      • Google added Klingon as a language interface option in 2002. 

      Google Communications and Apps

        • The company’s first tweet was “I’m feeling lucky” in binary code.
        • In 2006, the Merriam-Webster and Oxford English dictionaries included the verb “Google” in their listings. It is a verb meaning “to search for information about (someone or something) on the Internet using the search engine Google.”
        • Google’s reCAPTCHA helps their computers learn how to read text. The computers are able to identify words scanned from books, even if they are warped.
        • The Google Street View has about 28 million miles of photographed roads.

        The Googleplex

        • Dogs with strong bladders and friendly dispositions are welcomed in the offices, but cats are discouraged due to the number of dogs present.
        • Known for providing gourmet food and snacks to employees, the first Google snack in 1999 was Swedish Fish, a chewy candy.
        • Headquarters is full of odd decorations, such as a T-Rex named Stan, a space ship, pink flamingos, a Lego figure, adult-sized ball pits, Android statues, and phone boxes painted in Google colors.
        • While employees are called Googlers, new employees are called Nooglers.

        The Founders and Their Company

          • Larry Page’s brother was a co-founder of eGroups, a dot-com company that Yahoo bought for about $500 million in 2000.
          • Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford when Brin was asked to show Page, who was a new student, around the school.
          • Google has averaged a new company acquisition each week since 2010.
          • Google acquired YouTube via meetings at Denny’s.


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