Plastic Bottles to Floor Rugs !!!


     Architects and builders on the cutting edge of the environmental movement are using recycled materials like scrap metal, cardboard, and even plastic bottles to create new buildings with smaller carbon footprints.

    Recycled cardboard, for example, is being used to create high-quality cellulose insulation that outperforms insulation made with traditional processes. UltraCell Insulation makes use of a wet process, as opposed to older dry processes that result in contamination and dusty products.

    Plastic soda and water bottles have always been recycled, but generally, they can only be used to create new bottles a few times before they need to be disposed of. In the last few decades, plastic bottles have increasingly found new, longer life in the form of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) carpets. The PET in bottles is ideal for making soft, fibrous carpets, and when it reaches the end of its life as a carpet it can be used again in car parts, stuffing, and insulation.

    On New York City’s Governors Island, a competition was held recently to see how design can be used to tackle environmental problems. The result was a fascinating mix of art and sustainable design. The five-member Team Aesop laid out five tons of clay to dry, resulting in large, organic cracks. These were then filled with melted-down aluminum cans from a local recycling center to create pavilion panels that are strong, lightweight, and naturally attractive.

    As the federal government steps away from leadership on environmental issues, states, private businesses, and consumers are stepping in to fill the gap. Expect to see more new materials finding their way into construction as they become financially sustainable.



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