

WHY DRINK MORE WATER !!???                Drinking water is one of the very beneficial needs of a body. It is more like a medicine for the body which prevents almost every health problem may be chronic health problems or acute one. The benefits of water are infinite but in this article we tell some of the amazing facts of drinking water.          It is amazing to know that our body is made up of about 70% of the water and also the 70% of the weight is only due to water. By this fact it does not mean that you will gain weight after you will drink a lot of water but in real sense drinking more water will help you reduce weight.        Approximately 80% of the brain and the cells in the tissues of the brain are made up of water. That’s why it is always said that while studying you should keep a bottle of water and keep on drinking it whenever you feel like. It’s also the reason why drinking water keep the concentration well and also makes the memory of the brain sharper.      The averag
  Some of the Interesting facts about GOOGLE !! Early Google and Google now One of the early versions of Google could process 30-50 pages per second. Now Google can process millions of pages per second. Google was first stored on ten 4GB hard drives in a Lego casing, now showcased by Stanford University. The Lego design would let the founders expand storage capacity easily. The index now has over 100 million GB of data. Google’s original name was Backrub, based on the system finding and ranking pages based on backlinks. Since the founders weren’t looking to start their own business, they tried to sell their search engine system. Yahoo originally said no, but in 2002 offered to buy Google for $3 billion. Google said no, and it’s now valued at $400 billion. The name Google was a misspelling. One story says investors misspelled the mathematical term “googol” as “google” on a check, and the spelling stuck. Another story says that a fellow student misspelled “googol” when looking for an ava
Plastic Bottles to Floor Rugs !!!             Architects and builders on the cutting edge of the environmental movement are using recycled materials like scrap metal, cardboard, and even plastic bottles to create new buildings with smaller carbon footprints.      Recycled cardboard, for example, is being used to create  high-quality cellulose insulation  that outperforms insulation made with traditional processes. UltraCell Insulation makes use of a wet process, as opposed to older dry processes that result in contamination and dusty products.      Plastic soda and water bottles have always been recycled, but generally, they can only be used to create new bottles a few times before they need to be disposed of. In the last few decades, plastic bottles have increasingly found new, longer life in the form of  PET (polyethylene terephthalate) carpets . The PET in bottles is ideal for making soft, fibrous carpets, and when it reaches the end of its life as a carpet it can be used again in c